Digital Strategy


We strive for 100% happiness with our clients while doing it.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Is your digital marketing strategy working for you? Whether you are starting something new or you’ve been at it for 20 years, we can help you create a plan. (We love the smiles and the Ah-ha’s from our clients when they discover more about their businesses and causes than they expected).

    • Full analysis of your existing digital marketing activities: What’s working, what isn’t?

    • Market Research: What are the predictions from academia and industry about your line of work?

    • Keyword Research: What words and questions are people using when searching for you on Google?

    • SWOT Analysis: What are your competitors doing online that is working and not working?

    • Persona Definition: Who are you speaking to and what are the best messages?

    • Hashtag Analysis: How can you connect with more people?

    • Work plan and Recommendations: How to implement the new plan, one step at a time

    • We will customize your digital strategy report to answer your questions about the digital future of your digital marketing. 

    1. Once you contact us, we’ll confirm your needs then send you a contract

    2. Our team will meet with you to learn as much as we can about your goals

    3. It will take 2-3 weeks for us to research and compile the report

    4. We share the results and watch you smile as you see the future clearly

Let’s chat to see if we can help you out.

“Katrina and her team provided us with a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape for our products and helped us with the development of our marketing assets and implementation plans. Her company performed professionally throughout the project and was both accessible and punctual. They are great to deal with and I highly recommend them”

-Joe Donlevy, NEDucation

“Ethical Digital has been such a pleasure (and refreshing change) to work with… Thank you for your Consummate Professionalism.”

-Dale Botting, Global Alliance for Professional Leaders in Development

of organizations don’t have a clearly defined digital marketing strategy. (Smart Insights, 2020)


Marketing teams that document their strategy are 313% more likely to report success than those that don't.
CoSchedule, 2019)

marketers increased their company’s credibility and trust with digital marketing tactics. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)


Whether it’s for sales or brand awareness, let us help you see the path.

Inclusion Audit

  • Is your social media and website content accessible to people with disabilities and low literacy skills?

  • Are you missing a whole customer base?

  • Are you concerned about the legal compliance of not having an accessible website?

  • Do you want to do the right thing with your website and social media content?

Allow us to evaluate your website and provide a strategy to make your website accessible. Whether you are building it yourself, working with another agency or want us to make the updates, we can make sure that your website passes standards for people with low literacy skills and disabilities.

    1. Once you contact us and sign the contract, we’ll evaluate the last three months of your social media posts and your website for accessibility standards. We use a mix of technology tools and human expertise to create the report.

    2. We’ll deliver the report to you and your team

    3. We can work with your existing marketing teams to update your content or we can do it for you!

    4. Accessibility is achieved!

Let’s Chat to See if we’re the right fit.

people live with a disability, making it the largest minority group globally.

1 Billion

Only 3% of the web is accessible to people with disabilities.

of adult Canadians have literacy skills that fall below a high school level, which negatively affects their ability to function at work and in their personal lives.
ABC Life Literacy Canada)


We’d love to work with you to change the trajectory of the Internet. Let’s make your website more accessible

Keyword Research

You may have ways that you describe what you do, your entire industry may use certain terms, but what do people type into Google when they are looking for you?

We love Google Keyword Research. It feels like the most pure form of a focus group. You can learn exactly what questions and thoughts people have about your product or service  - and learn how to truly connect with the people who are looking for you.

    • We will review your the most important terms from your industry

    • Create a spreadsheet of common terms and questions

    • Highlight key terms for you to concentrate on in your social media content, websites, ads and blogs

    1. Once you contact us and sign the contract, we’ll meet with your team to learn your goals and key terms you currently use in your industry

    2. We’ll complete the Keyword Research and a Report within 2-3 weeks

    3. We’ll share the key results and answer your questions in a presentation to your team

    4. You’ll have key messages and terms that will make your future clients happy!

Let’s chat to see if we’re a fit.


Is visited 89.3 Billion times every month

holds 91.9% of the search market shares

processes more than 8.5 billion searches a day.

Let’s get you seen on Google